Arthur2019-04-15 07:20:43
Arthur, 2019-04-15 07:20:43

Where to store a large number of files?

Good afternoon, there is a need to store a large number of files, approximately 150-200 kb in size for a project written in C # (Desktop), approximately 30-40 files need to be saved per day.
The application uses a Postgres database.
I thought of several options:
1) Save in the Postgres database, but the database will grow in size, and backups are made every day
2) Run another MongoDB database, it has GridFS, special for storing files
3) Use FTP
4) Write a server application, using the API to save/receive files

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3 answer(s)
Papa, 2019-04-15

We store here: https://min.io/

Dmitry Shitskov, 2019-04-15

Option 4 would be the most correct.
And ftp is the wrong thing. How to store files in databases.
PS And your desktop part should communicate with the server part, and not directly with the database, as it is implemented now.

Peter, 2019-04-15

5. Use cloud storage with an existing API (Azure, Google, Amazon storage or less famous)

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