Alexey2017-01-09 15:31:13
Alexey, 2017-01-09 15:31:13

Where to put xrandr?

Tell me, I'm trying to set up two monetors on one desktop, with the command:
xrandr --output VGA1 --right-of HDMI1
Everything works, I get one desktop
Where to put this command so that it is executed when graphics are loaded? where I just added it to both
.profile and .bashrc and /etc/bashrc
to .profile added & at the end.
Maybe I'm not writing it right?

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2 answer(s)
planc, 2017-01-09


CityCat4, 2017-01-09

DE what? KDE/TDE has krandr/tderandrtray - an application where you can do all this, almost like in Windows :)
.xsession (not .xsessionrc, namely .xsession) is used if the login is via DM and the session type is "custom". If the session is specific to DE, it may not pick up the settings. To manually start X, you can register in .xinitrc

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