rynokstar2015-12-21 19:24:22
rynokstar, 2015-12-21 19:24:22

Where to look for customers for mobile app design?

Good evening!
Maybe one of the experienced ones will tell you a way or an exchange in Russian where to look for customers for the mob design. applications? I have always used fl.ru, but such orders are not popular there. Freelancing is also not a lot. That is why I am unemployed most of the time.
Thanks in advance for any answer!

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1 answer(s)
Denis Ineshin, 2015-12-21

Great advice to you. Enter the international market, it is hundreds of times larger.
You do not find orders in the Russian-speaking segment, not because you are sitting on the wrong exchanges, but because there are, in principle, few of them.
Spend the time you're away from work learning English.

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