CrewCut2015-07-03 17:56:38
Electronic commerce
CrewCut, 2015-07-03 17:56:38

Where to buy Russian modules for Woocommerce without linking to a domain?

Interested in the modules of transport companies, payment gateways and integration with distributors. The main thing is that the modules work without being tied to a specific domain.
Main modules:
1. Russian Post and EMS
2. Buy V Credit (Tinkoff) payment gateway
3. Integration with MIX API
4. Integration with OCS API
I didn't find anything on the Internet, just write it yourself / on order. Deadlines are running out, so ready-made solutions are of interest. Maybe someone has these - ready to buy, or who knows where you can buy - I would be grateful for the information

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2 answer(s)
Puma Thailand, 2015-07-03

Just write your own.

Sanes, 2015-07-03


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