Hamlet Muradyan2012-08-31 15:28:49
Hamlet Muradyan, 2012-08-31 15:28:49

Where do you write your ideas?

Where do you recommend posting your ideas? So that you can write both from a computer and from mobile devices (from an iPad, for example).

I'm familiar with Evernote. Now I write my ideas there. Is there a better place to write an idea?

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23 answer(s)
Alexey, 2012-08-31

Paper + pen/pencil.

sie_laechelt, 2012-08-31

Paper + pen/pencil.
One interesting point - the best way to write down ideas (and their implementation) is not suitable for special expensive notebooks a la “Ideas of a Creative Person”, “My Extraordinary Thoughts”, etc., but everything that is currently at hand and has pages, from a napkin to a block notebook or an old diary.

Vacxe, 2012-08-31

I write mostly on paper, and for some reason with a pencil. If the “idea” is implemented, then I transfer it to the UML model most often. And in order to transfer to mobile devices or vice versa, I use Dropbox.

Yaroslav Losev, 2012-08-31

I am using springpad.com . Worthy alternative to evernote

bugman, 2012-08-31

Everywhere - leaflets, notepads, letters in drafts or sent to yourself, on the phone, evernote. When hands reach a detailed analysis of the above, everything moves to sites.google.com closed from public eyes.

Ruslan, 2012-08-31

It is convenient for me to use a small notebook with blank pages (no lines or cells), since the notes are mostly graphic - logos, sketches, sketches. But the meaning is different, due to its modest size, the notebook is always at hand, for example, like a wallet or phone, I always carry it with me. The main thing is that he does not need the Internet and his battery will not run out, but there is one minus - we must not forget about the pencil.

Konstantin Kitmanov, 2012-08-31

Google Doc Drive

cronfy, 2012-08-31

I fold on paper, write myself an email in gmail, or write down a task in Lightning in Thunderbird - whichever comes to hand faster. When an idea is more or less formalized and I need to write more about it, I transfer it to workflowy.com - everything can be hierarchically organized and tagged there.

super, 2012-08-31

I made a closed blog on my website, where I write everything down - very convenient. Before that, I wrote down on paper, it is much more convenient to write down, but it is inconvenient to change and search for information.

moooV, 2012-08-31

I do not write down, because there is no point. While I am writing, I forget tightly, even at the beginning of a sentence.
I keep in mind. You just need to concentrate on this idea and consolidate it, then it will not be forgotten.

PavelKrishtalskiy, 2012-08-31

I use Wundelist www.wunderlist.com .
Among other options, it captivates with the fact that there are native clients for different platforms: unlike the same Google Drive, you do not need to open the web inteface, which is especially inconvenient on a smartphone. And at the same time, not as "heavy" as Evernote - creating a note takes less time.

G3N1USS, 2012-08-31

G+, closed from all entries.

scream4ik, 2012-08-31

tried many options, settled on www.mynotes.su

Vorchun, 2012-08-31

Thoughts are on paper. Therefore, a mess)) And they are lost. Often not even text, but a phrase and arrows, circles and other icons.
I wanted to switch to a voice recorder on my phone, but it's not convenient to remember what and where, and not clearly.
If I sit down to think seriously, then xmind or mindmeister

Rowdy Ro, 2012-08-31


MaratGilyazov, 2012-08-31

I use this thing: www.thebigpic.org
I like it, it's convenient when you need to urgently write down a thought so that it doesn't disappear, or when you just need to think about some idea. It is very similar to “mindmaps”, but here not one idea branches out, becoming more detailed, but on the surface there are several key messages that can be detailed .
It looks something like this: puu.sh/10LXu
the site is all on flash, it doesn’t buggy, it doesn’t slow down, but for someone for religious reasons it may not be suitable

Vadim Priluzkiy, 2012-09-01

I have a closed section in the wiki blog for this. Pretty much any wiki engine is good for this sort of thing.

Mazikk, 2012-09-01

I write in a notepad on the phone, because Ideas come to mind mostly along the way. If necessary, then I transfer it to OneNote.

The Whiz, 2012-09-01

file in google docs

gleb_kudr, 2012-09-02

I installed an individual bugtracker and write everything there :)

Saiputdin Omarov, 2016-09-25

Keep google

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