goandkill2016-07-11 20:22:20
goandkill, 2016-07-11 20:22:20

Where do photographers hang out and sell pictures?

Hello world!
Everyone rushed to advise marquees, but no, everything is more complicated.
The project needs photos of a completely different quality level, as they say "not stock" photos. There is also no option to take pictures.
Other than deviantart and 500px, I don't know anything.
Where do good photographers hang out? Preferably in large quantities and with smart search))

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3 answer(s)
HamSter, 2016-07-11

I don’t know how cool it is, but what’s for sale is all on envatoMarket .
Including photos !
PS: And, in general, I love unsplash - free, but awesome pictures that post everything to themselves and in layouts and on sites and in presentations!

Neron, 2016-07-11
Lordov @Nekto_Habr


Dimonchik, 2016-07-11

it would be loot, for a photo of a "different level"
there are ie. macro stocks
are the so-called. right management license
again - it would be loot

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