Seryozha Pukhov2015-12-14 00:09:30
Seryozha Pukhov, 2015-12-14 00:09:30

Where can I order sprites for a 2D platformer?

I am writing a 2D platformer.
The development has already completed 80%. The rest of the work is related to animations and UI.
Where do you order sprites/graphics for 2D games, and how much do you pay for it?
PS: this is not bit-art, I mean exactly the services of the artist / illustrator.

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3 answer(s)
Pavel Designer, 2015-12-14

They order either from freelancers or in studios.
The cost depends on the amount of work, complexity and style. There is no single "price for graphics for a platformer". You can have a static character and one level, or you can have twenty different locations with original design, fourteen different heroes and two hundred items of clothing with items - the cost will be different. The same goes for the interface.

Alexander Aksentiev, 2015-12-14

why not start with opengameart.org

Danila Orlov, 2019-08-22

Vkontakte has a group "Sprites for games | Sprites to order", it's not expensive if you order, and there are a lot of free sprites in the feed. https://vk.com/2dsprits

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