Sergey Prisyazhnyuk2019-02-22 00:46:28
Sergey Prisyazhnyuk, 2019-02-22 00:46:28

Where can I find the price in Opencart?

I’ve already gone through the entire database and I can’t find the price of the product, in the oc_product table I change the price column, just 0 reaction, the price does not change there it costs 374.8100, which is 12,324 UAH in hryvnia, the only thing that comes closest to the euro, but at what exchange rate does it change? where does he get that it is euro ?, if most prices are in $

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2 answer(s)
zoozag, 2019-02-22

Where can I find the price in Opencart?

price column in oc_product table
This is possible if you have special set. Stored in oc_product_special
According to the exchange rate that you set in the admin panel
Why did you bother to change prices in the database at all?

web-mechanic, 2019-02-22

the currency is stored in the session

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