Wrongbee2018-03-14 01:37:07
Wrongbee, 2018-03-14 01:37:07

Where can I find a VPS server to use as just a remote computer?

Greetings friends!
I really need your advice. There will be no websites. You just need a computer that is available 24/7 via RDP. I do not plan especially resource-intensive tasks either. Basically, the computer synchronizes data to the clouds, since there is an unlimited cloud drive. Approximately 2-4 cores, 4-8 RAM and a 200+ GB disk is a must. Budget per month 20 with a tail of $. With adequate support and without paranoia. Got a bunch of offers. Well, everything is fine, but adding disk space (SSD is not needed) increases the cost at times. While more or less stopped at Contabo or firsbyte. It used to be a bad experience. I took a server with a video card. I put the prog recording from home video surveillance (a small child and a babysitter). I remember with horror. So after a couple of days, without notification, they simply blocked the server. And they hung around for a few more days. With hysterical accusations that I mine the crypt, I put bots and so on. Screenshots with the installed software did not help. In general, I will be glad to advice on such a specific choice of VPS.

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4 answer(s)
Wrongbee, 2018-03-14

Will have to revise the wishes and reduce the disk quota. But I disagree a little. The owners did not rent the server for specific purposes. They just rented the server with the usual restrictions, like everyone else. The traffic per day from the cameras was about 200 megabytes per day, since the camera writes according to the movement. For the server, it's just minuscule. Regarding cheapness ... Well, not everything is clear either. I do not see anything shameful to ask colleagues. For example, 99.999% uptime is not critical for my purposes, but I need a bigger disk. And instead of an SSD, a regular one will do. Normal exchange of unnecessary for the right for the same money. Proven offers for 900-1300 rubles are enough. Thanks for answers.
Summary. From the initial wishes, we reduce the disk to 80 gigs. We connect an unlimited cloud. We use

Anton Mashletov, 2018-03-14

Approximately 2-4 cores, 4-8 RAM and a 200+ GB disk is a must.

Thank you smile. You would not chase the pop for cheapness.

Artem @Jump, 2018-03-14
curated by the

So after a couple of days, without notification, they simply blocked the server. And murryzhili a few more days
Server owners rely on a certain load, if the load is greater than they expected, problems begin. If they are renting a server for a desktop, then they do not expect streaming to disk.
Screenshots with the installed software did not help.
Logically, it would be surprising if they helped.
Well, everything is fine, but adding disk space (SSD is not needed) increases the cost at times.
Naturally. You don't take file storage - disk space costs a penny there, you take remote desktop - this suggests that there should be little disk space, but these must be very fast disks.
In general, it is worth reconsidering the requirements - if you need a desktop, then why do you need a lot of disks?
If you need a lot of disks - it's not clear why you need a desktop.
And if you still need both, and even with support, then I think the budget should be reviewed.

fdroid, 2018-03-14

With such requirements, it is easier to buy your own server and order colocation in some data center. And do not forget that a rented server is not the same as your own, they can turn it off at any time, just like climbing into your information.

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