vitalya_pn2015-07-17 00:32:20
vitalya_pn, 2015-07-17 00:32:20

Where can I find a free web server for a webcam with video in MPEG4 or h264?

Interested in a web server that can output a stream not in the usual MJPEG, but in MPEG4 or h264, which will immediately contain both video and audio tracks from the camera?
I tried about 5 pieces of different ones - all MJPEG, in which there is no audio.
The goal is to add this webcam to Synology Surveillance Station with sound.
Web camera built into the laptop.

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2 answer(s)
Yuri Udovichenko, 2015-07-17

This is solved by using software from among the media servers. Here in the answer I talk a little about them. In short - you take the stream from the camera - probably in RTMP - and transcode or transmax to the desired format for Station.

hobbyte, 2015-07-17

I think the key phrase here is: "Web camera built into the laptop."
Hence the possibility of working only with mjpeg, because. The camera itself is a separate device and the microphone is separate.
That. you need to take the mjpeg stream from the camera, audio from the microphone and mix it, for example, vlc, into an mpeg4 stream convenient for you.

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