Anton2016-11-17 16:20:05
virtual box
Anton, 2016-11-17 16:20:05

Where are Oracle VM Virtual Box files stored?

Tell me please, I created several virtual systems of 20 GB each, after deleting Virtual Box, the occupied space was not freed up, how to find and clean up the files of virtual systems? Version 4.3......

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4 answer(s)
Ilya bow, 2016-11-18

%userprofile%\VirtualBox VMs

Konstantin Tsvetkov, 2016-11-18

20 GB for each
These are virtual disks of that size, not virtual machine settings. Disks can be of different types, respectively, and their extension will be different. Usually located in the virtual machine folder, but can be anywhere (you created them - remember where). Usually, when deleting a virtual machine, VirtualBox also asks for the deletion of the corresponding virtual disk (the default is "Yes" - you said "No").

Maximus Panin, 2019-04-05

We need to look for files on the PC. vdi , this is the system file, not .vbox as mentioned earlier.

RoverWhite, 2016-11-17

the default folder for placing virtual machines in virtualBox can be different.
look on your computer for files with the extension ".vbox"
these are files with descriptions of virtual machines.
all files inside the folder containing the .vbox" file and will make up one virtual machine.
That is, to delete the machine, you must delete the folder that contains the file with the ".vbox" extension.
If you don't know how to search for files, here is the article
pc-users.ru/ windows/poisk-fajlov-v-windows-7.html
in the search field enter "*.vbox"

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