Artyom2018-10-05 01:13:50
Project management
Artyom, 2018-10-05 01:13:50

Where and how to grow a project manager?

Good evening toasters.
I'm closer to 30, working as a PM in a small town of 400k. It is in my city, as far as I know, that this is almost the ceiling both in terms of salary and experience, since the company is large for our city (> 100 people), we work with all of Russia and not only. There is a clear division between the departments of commerce, analytics, support, design, developers and testing. So there is nowhere for me to move.
Hence the question - what is the next step in terms of career and of course money? Where to grow pm'u? What needs to be done, some special experience or courses? Top management? But how? And is it realistic without the education of a manager and cronyism.
I have a clear feeling that pm is currently a dead end career path or will soon be.
I know the basics of js, things like html, css, I worked with git not only as a pm, and I see only one option - to start intensively developing as a developer and move to Moscow.
But the problem is that I have never been seriously interested in coding.
I have always been more interested in solving organizational issues, coordination, working with a customer, and so on. I understood this at the university, as I was finishing a technical specialty, coding and typesetting simple websites, calculators and naval battles.
But now the dilemma, on the one hand, is an interesting job for me, but a career and money dead end, on the other hand, less interesting and much greater prospects as a developer.
You don't have to write stupid jokes about the developer overnight. With this option, I will allocate at least a year of serious work with the code, I live alone, the pillow allows.
Interested in the opinions / advice of people with experience.

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5 answer(s)
Puma Thailand, 2018-10-05

Get a job in a big company and grow further
Their reasoning is that the programmer also got a dead end branch of development at Google and then there is nowhere to grow

Gregory House, 2018-10-05

Marry or not also ask us? What are people's opinions here? This is your life. You need to decide yourself.

ponaehal, 2018-10-05

This is the ceiling in development. Then only to managers (not pm, but the head of the department). or change the field of activity. or change priorities in life (work is not the main thing).
It is important to understand that you will always find a pm job until retirement, and if you go to the bosses, then after a certain level it will be more difficult to find a job (there are few positions of big bosses), especially in your city.
It's pointless to advise anything, IMHO

HellWalk, 2018-10-10

PM is primarily about the interaction of people, the ability to speak, convey one's point of view and the ability to motivate .
The highest skill is to organize some kind of project "on enthusiasm", attract professionals to it and keep them for a significant amount of time. If you can, then you are in your niche. If not (and 95% are incompetent pm's), then it means either to develop or change the field of activity.
As part of my duties, I had to work as a PM, but for me, communication and managing other people is a burden. That's why I became a programmer. Manage (give commands) to the computer, after managing people - it's just bliss.
For some, it’s the other way around - “driving on the ears” and “getting to work for thanks” is much easier than doing something yourself.
In general, the answer is up to you. And who are you - only you know)

Andy, 2018-10-22

In my opinion, there are few options in the career of a project.
1 - If there is a desire to grow horizontally, then there is an interesting article "What a PM should be able to do and how to develop ....." then you will find it yourself on a non-Russian site.
If you grow vertically (according to your experience), then without connections it will be more difficult to look for a job. You will be at 40-45 for a long time with a track record of "IT director, leading PM" snatching work from 25-30 year olds. And no one cares about your PMP, they will take a girl from an in-language and teach how to "lead".
2 - In parallel, a project / business - here everyone has their own. PM is not the fact that it is easier, because. he can't write code, MVP won't do it on his knee - you have to pay money to everyone. Developers don't work for free.
3 - Moscow - a lot of 150k+ vacancies for an average manager with 2-3 years of experience + technical. background. Open a headhunter.
4 - Look at related specialties (BA, QA) where it is easier to jump. No one bothers you to correct your resume on the fly. Usually from these stacks people get to the positions of PM, often "by force".
QA automation is also appreciated.
5 - The older my acquaintances in IT are, the more they jump from managerial / lead positions to "ordinary" ones, but abroad. Because there 35-45 is not yet an age + payment in foreign currency.
PM himself (as it happened), a former programmer. Similar thoughts - this is more of a dead end branch, but you can beat it somehow.
If possible, it's better to grow up to a strong middle developer (web, mobile phones) for 1-2 years "under the wing" of acquaintances, preferably in Moscow time. And learn English

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