IkaR492019-05-01 16:35:42
IkaR49, 2019-05-01 16:35:42

When will support for Windows 10 end?

A friend of mine has a Windows 7 PC. Recently, a warning popped up that security updates for Win7 would end on January 14, 2020, and he contacted me to help upgrade to Win10.
However, Google, Wikipedia, and a bunch of various sites say that the main support for Win10 will end on 10/13/2020. And if so, does it make sense to pay almost 10 thousand wooden ones for only 10 months of full system support?
True, memory slips me information that Win10 was going to transfer to the Roll-up release scheme for all updates, that is, without releasing new versions of the system. But I couldn't find any confirmation.
PS The question is important, because we will buy the system, in no case pirate it.

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3 answer(s)
#, 2019-05-01

yes, damn it .. elementary google " Microsoft product support terms "

Artem @Jump, 2019-05-01
curated by the

Google, Wikipedia, and a bunch of various sites say that
Such information should be looked at the manufacturer's offsite, and not on the left resources.
If something is unclear, please ask.

GavriKos, 2019-05-01

Read carefully: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/13853/win...

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