Alex Kolyhov2020-10-25 12:41:28
Alex Kolyhov, 2020-10-25 12:41:28

Why does the video card and processor rest during the game?

I have a problem with Mortal Kombat 11. My computer runs it at the minimum settings of 30 fps, while the video card is loaded by 30%, and the processor by 40 - 50%. My friend has about the same computer, and he has 58 - 60 fps at maximum settings, and the video card with the processor works to the fullest.
Tell me, please, what could be the problem? In other games everything works fine for me.

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2 answer(s)
Morrowind, 2020-10-25

Most likely you have 2 video cards - integrated and discrete. The integrated video card in the processor is used, and the desktop is idle.
If I'm wrong and you only have an integrated one, then the business is apparently in the drivers. Please take a look at the settings. Maybe even reinstall.
If proprietary drivers (nvidia or amd) are not detected at all, then it is understandable why this is happening. You simply didn't have full driver libraries, but were managed by a standard package that comes with OS Windows or another platform.

Developer, 2020-10-25

The problem may be malnutrition. Make sure your power supply is supplying enough power.

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