veteral2021-09-27 13:10:39
veteral, 2021-09-27 13:10:39

What wordpress tables are used to store products in the database?

I want to make an automatic record of goods in the database. Can someone tell me what tables to write down. The product itself, I see, is recorded in wp_posts. Where are attributes, upsells, tags, categories stored?

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1 answer(s)
Artem Zolin, 2021-09-28

I don’t know about the description of the tables, but, in general, from their names it’s already quite clear which ones are responsible for what

  • wp_options - site and theme settings
  • wp_users - users
  • wp_usermeta - user meta fields
  • wp_comments - comments
  • wp_commentmeta - comment metafields
  • wp_posts - posts
  • wp_postmeta - post meta fields
  • wp_terms - terms
  • wp_termmeta - term metafields
  • wp_term_taxonomy - taxonomies
  • wp_term_relationships - Term relationships with taxonomies

When creating your entries in the database, you need to at least use native functions, so you will avoid many problems
  • wp_insert_post()- create an entry
  • wp_update_post()- update record
  • add_post_meta()— add a value with a meta field
  • update_post_meta()- update value with meta field
  • wp_set_object_terms()- set taxonomy for post

These are the basic functions of the core, when publishing products it is better to look for and use the methods of WooCommers itself

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