Pan Propan2018-01-30 21:29:02
contextual advertising
Pan Propan, 2018-01-30 21:29:02

What type of phrase match should I use for negative keywords in Google Adwords?

Actually the question is in the title.
Phrase matches available:

  • wide
  • Phrasal
  • Exact

which one to use for negative keywords so as not to lose useful traffic?

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3 answer(s)
Alexey Denisov, 2018-01-31

Matching in negative keywords works the same as for keywords. The application depends on how you plan to use them and what to exclude. For example, if you sell furniture - cabinets, tables, kitchens, and also provide assembly services, but only for kitchens. Then:
- If you add a negative keyword in the broad match "furniture installation", then exclude everything related to the installation of any furniture, including queries like "kitchen furniture installation".
- If you add this negative phrase as a phrase match, then exclude all queries in which the words from the negative phrase will go in a row "furniture installation", for example, "home furniture installation", "do-it-yourself furniture installation" and others.
- But there is a possibility that the user will type the phrase "installation of kitchen furniture" and this query will also exclude the phrase match. Then, by using exact match, you will only exclude the users request "assembly of furniture" in that order and no other.
Usually it is enough to use broad match, the main thing is to provide for all options for user requests so as not to exclude something superfluous. Just look at the report on search queries more often and add new negative keywords to the exclusions. And leave the rest of the matching options for some special cases.
But remember that you need to add all the synonyms and word forms of the word to the negative phrases in order for the negative phrase to work fully.

Dimonchik, 2018-01-30

and they can be specified there except for the exact one?

anonim1234, 2019-10-22

it is not correctly written (although it may have been so a year ago, but it is unlikely)
minus the phrase in "" fixes the word order.
minus the phrase in [] does NOT fix the word order (but it was different, it just appeared recently)

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