websiller2015-11-26 19:07:48
Internet advertising
websiller, 2015-11-26 19:07:48

What type of online advertising should be used to sell "non-standard" goods?

There are some pretty specific hours. They are not sold in regular watch stores (at least in my city). There was a desire to create a selling web page for the implementation of this product. But I just can’t understand which advertising network is best suited for such a task - adword, ryan, teaser, or maybe advertising in VK?

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1 answer(s)
Alexander Bondarenko, 2016-10-24

You are confusing the concepts of "advertising network" and "types of advertising".
Of course, neither I nor, I think, someone else will write you a marketing plan for advertising your watch here)
But still:
1. You need to understand who your target audience is. If a watch costs $1,500, that's one kind of advertisement; if a watch costs $5, that's another kind of advertisement.
2. Accordingly, if you have a watch for 1.5 kilodollars, then there is definitely no point in taking "extras". Who is looking for them and how? You can run the context on exact requests (those in quotes). It probably makes sense to advertise such watches in "narrow circles" - catch the interests of your potential buyers and look for them. I would hardly use YAN/KMS here. Although, you can try.
If the clock is 5 bucks - then you have all the cards in your hands. Their target audience is almost everything :) (well, you also need to look at the appearance, etc. of course). Here, working with VK can be beneficial for you, and not only targeting, but, possibly, public. Or, at least - advertising in public. After all, at one time they were played by all and sundry in arbitration.
3. You need to launch it on all sites, set up subject analytics, draw conclusions and adjust advertising campaigns. You can work for a month and understand, for example, that there are more applications from Adwords than from direct. Or the applications are the same, but in adwords the price of the application is 100 rubles, and in direct 500. Well, commerce has already gone there, then you yourself.
PS: there is no exact answer to "what kind of advertising should be included in order to earn money". Design - Test - Analysis - Run - Analysis - Adjustments. The last two steps are constant.

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