x_Nailer_x2018-07-28 16:51:35
x_Nailer_x, 2018-07-28 16:51:35

What to update in the computer (Preferably inexpensive)?

Here they wanted to update the Computer (assembly 2011). It is desirable that it be budget, but gaming.
We have the following components:
1.Windows 7 max;
2.Processor: AMD athlon(tm) 2 X3 425 processor 2.70 GHz;
3.RAM: 2.00GB;
4.System type: 64-bit operating system;
5.Video card: Nvidia GeForce GTS 450;

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3 answer(s)
Vadim Andreevich, 2018-07-29

1.Windows 7 max;
2.Processor: AMD athlon(tm) 2 X3 425 processor 2.70 GHz;
3.RAM: 2.00GB;
4.System type: 64-bit operating system;
5.Video card: Nvidia GeForce GTS 450;

First, software is not a component. At least update it every day.
1.Windows 7 max;
4.System type: 64-bit operating system;

Secondly. It will be cheaper to buy a new computer. And so, in principle ...
I’ll say it again ... It would be better for you to buy / assemble, it’s better to assemble, of course, NEW! A computer.
Update platform. Get something more modern. Since your computer is already too hundred, and I don’t see the point in updating it. Can be updated. Used parts and not for long, but ask yourself the question "does it make sense?".
That's all I wanted to say.
Thank you for your attention.
All the best.

m0nym, 2018-07-28

It will be conditionally gaming
1) The worst thing here is the RAM. To finish up to 8 G at least.
2) The video card is extremely important for games, but ... it will not work out on a budget. Although if used ...

xmoonlight, 2018-07-28

Buy a new one - save more!

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