Robert2015-09-20 18:05:07
Robert, 2015-09-20 18:05:07

What to read to fill the basic knowledge of higher mathematics?

There was an urgent need to understand the description of various systems and processes using diff. equations. But the base is clearly not enough to understand some things. It would be desirable to understand, but not "to believe" and mechanically to apply any algorithms.
Is there any literature in which the knowledge of interest is described in a simple (at least long formulas and proofs) language?

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2 answer(s)
Anonymous Man, 2015-09-20

May I ask: do you at least understand ordinary mathematics or will you study higher mathematics from scratch?
1. If you are not familiar with mathematics, then learn it first.
2. If you are familiar, then here: alexlarin.net/kvm.html You
will have to learn a lot, but if necessary, then you have to do everything.

GreenElephant, 2015-10-06

stepic.org - there are various courses on discrete and school + a course on matan
from books will start soon:
Dmitry Pismenny - a set of lectures on higher mathematics
can also be viewed here - www.mathprofi.ru

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