joginzbajin2019-06-27 07:54:54
joginzbajin, 2019-06-27 07:54:54

What to do with WiFi?

The question, in fact, is rhetorical, but suddenly.
Small apartment, concrete partitions, in the center of the Mikrotik RB951G apartment. Everything seems to be set up.
There are 3 laptops (Lenovo t440, w541, Dell), they periodically randomly lose Wi-Fi. They can work all day, or they can work every 5 minutes.
Around you see ~ 30-40 networks at 2.4 GHz and 3 at 5 GHz.
That's it, should I switch to 5GHz too?


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4 answer(s)
uaVPS, 2019-06-27

In the 2.4GHz band, there are only three non-overlapping channels at 20Mhz. But most put 40Mhz to increase speed and take 2/3 of the band) Good luck in finding a free channel)
At 5GHz, two advantages are low prevalence and more free bands.
Definitely switch to 5GHz and you will be happy.

Diman89, 2019-06-27

Concrete walls will drown out 5GHz immediately - it will be necessary to have an access point at minimum power in each room + due to the large number of neighbors at 2.4, this option is probably the only correct one

Maddcat, 2019-06-27

5GHz will save, yes. If the wall is thin, then it will break through. In practice, a couple of Mikrotiks is enough even for a large apartment.
5GHz is good because even those in the neighboring apartment almost do not interfere. And behind a couple of walls - no one can be seen at all.

Nikolai, 2019-06-27

Now they will throw me slippers, but in 2.4 you only turn on at full power, at all 27.
In 2.4, as in the wild forest now - whoever is stronger survived.
I have the same sitz. Microt put it in the corridor so that he could hear all the neighbors as weakly as possible, it works more or less in a kopeck piece, but both the TV set and the desktop are on a cable.
About 5GHz noticed correctly - you need to be in every room.

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