windikson2017-09-28 16:30:41
Online shopping
windikson, 2017-09-28 16:30:41

What threatens me?

Amazon sent me a letter saying I have to pay 11 euros for a subscription. What will happen to me if I don't pay. On the Amazon account, did the left enter the data, including the credit card number? What happens to me if I don't pay?

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4 answer(s)
longclaps, 2017-09-28

Amazon threatens you.
Amazon will be for you.

Optimus, 2017-09-28
Pyan @marrk2

Nothing, people wrote from them from Hetzer debts of $ 3,000 and everything is fine

amorphine, 2017-09-28

Scam Reader's Didgest teaches nothing? Nothing will happen.

TyzhSysAdmin, 2017-09-28

I amazanu 3$ stick out.
For a year they tried to write off this amount from the card, with a zero balance.
They scored a year later.

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