Shamil2015-01-25 00:19:09
Task Management
Shamil, 2015-01-25 00:19:09

What task management system to implement at work?

At work, they set the task to implement a system so that employees could write tasks, and we (IT specialists) solved these tasks.
The first thing that came to my mind was Redmine - but you can’t hang it on Windows so easily, as I understand it.
Maybe someone will advise some analog so that the system works as a web page, so that you can get a certain work schedule.

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2 answer(s)
vitalyaventel, 2015-04-03

At work I used the BitNami solution

Sergey Nalomenko, 2015-01-25

RedBooth , but it is not installed on its OS, but stores all information on the service's cloud.
There are boxed versions of Megaplan for Windows Server and linux, but they cost good money.
There is also JIRA , which we actively use at home (there are versions for Windows and Linux), up to 10 users in the system costs only $10 per year, and then much more. But it's more for bug-tracking in the software payroll department.

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