angelzzz2015-04-04 21:49:24
Call centers
angelzzz, 2015-04-04 21:49:24

What solution to choose for a call center (outgoing calls) for 2-3 operators?

Interested in what to choose for making outgoing calls from a computer?
It is important that it be possible to integrate with CRM (so that you can link a call record to a client card in, for example, AmoCRM) and make the cost of outgoing calls as cheap as possible.
Thank you!
PS options for other budget CRMs are also being considered

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2 answer(s)
Igor Goncharovsky, 2015-04-15

I join Asterisk, also if you look at the list of PBXs supported in AmoCRM, I recommend trying https://www.onlinepbx.ru/
It allows you to connect your telecom operators for outgoing calls, which most other SaaS PBXs do not have

Sergey, 2015-04-04

the most budget Asterisk
also has a trial version of a paid product (5 operators)

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