lukoie2017-07-12 17:39:22
Software and Internet Services
lukoie, 2017-07-12 17:39:22

What software do homeowners associations use in Russia?

Who knows what programs are used by HOAs (homeowners' associations), management companies, zheks for issuing receipts, acts, certificates, reports, etc.?
If you know and write for other countries, I will also be grateful.

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6 answer(s)
laxikodeje, 2017-07-12

Yes, different.
Completely self-written.
For example, I was ordered to finalize an existing (created by someone there before me) software.
Judging by his shaggy appearance, he is at least 20 years old.

Dimonchik, 2017-07-12

1C: Accounting in the management companies of housing and communal services, HOA and housing
cooperatives for accounts can be just an exelka

mgremlin, 2017-07-13

Someone is sawing a bicycle, there are ready-made solutions, you will find them in Google, but this market is under the threat of the state (potentially) monopoly-mandatory decision GIS.ZhKKH . It seems that the use of this service for organizations is not yet mandatory, but it is actively lobbied, so at least this should be borne in mind. It may well be that at one fine moment the requirement of the law "the service organization of the housing and communal services must have a website" is transformed into "full disclosure of information on the portal of public services." And then everything will automatically go there.
Out of the corner of my ear I heard about the UK, which moved there from a custom 1C configuration, they seem to be satisfied.

Vitaly, 2017-07-12

The rent is 24, it seems to me that they have the most worthy software.

Sanes, 2017-07-12

Cyclists in 90%. When it comes to personal accounts, counters, receipts, etc.

shibanovan, 2017-07-14

Sprint Housing and Public Utilities www.krasinform.ru/services/gkh We
use it ourselves. More than satisfied.

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