Oleg Sheshin2020-07-22 22:21:11
Game development
Oleg Sheshin, 2020-07-22 22:21:11

What sites made in the form of a game do you know?


Has anyone seen the websites of companies that are made in the form of a game (that is, acquaintance with information about the company takes place inside a browser game)?

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1 answer(s)
dollar, 2020-07-30

Informational sites (companies) - informational first of all. Therefore, it is not profitable to make them in the form of a game. What if the user does not pass to the second level? Access to the section will be closed? In addition, the game simply distracts from obtaining information.
Even at the dawn of the Internet, there was a time when craftsmen made websites with all sorts of whistles, pop-up menus, etc. It soon became clear that this is only necessary for the creators of such sites to increase the FHR, and has nothing to do with the benefit and convenience for visitors.
Although there are a few sites that rely on the wow effect and unusual presentation of information. However, presentation is not a game, but a way of designing. That is, there is no mechanic.

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