Jonathan2242019-04-29 21:14:52
Hard disks
Jonathan224, 2019-04-29 21:14:52

What should I do if I cannot use the unallocated space on the SSD after cloning a partition?

In general, after using Paragon Migrate OS to SSDâ„¢ 4.0 to migrate OC from HDD to SSD, my 240GB SSD became 119GB (same as original C drive). Now nothing can be done with this unallocated memory, neither merge nor create a new disk.5cc73ee931f9e194089106.png

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3 answer(s)
Konstantin Tsvetkov, 2019-04-29


Ronald McDonald, 2019-04-29

Yes, you can't create a new partition. All sections are basic, and there can be no more than four main ones.
Two options:
1. Delete the manufacturer partition and create another partition;
2. Boot from liveCD Gparted and increase the size of disk C there due to unallocated space (shift partitions).

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