@Twitt2018-05-06 00:43:00
Network administration
@Twitt, 2018-05-06 00:43:00

What should be the load on the server to think about increasing the capacity?

The customer bought a server, he hosts bots there. All the time he hosted 3 bots loaded enough, he asked to transfer 4 bots from another server to the same one, where these 3 are hosted.
Operative 190 out of 1940 mb.
bots are already starting to respond at the wrong time. Actually, the question itself is, what should be the load in order to understand that it is time to increase the volume of the server?
The second question is, is it better for each bot to have its own server?
The third question: what is better to buy for a bot, better percent, stronger operative, or something else?

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1 answer(s)
Barafu_Albino_Cheetah, 2018-05-06

We enter the uptime command, we get a line like
The last 3 are the processor load per minute, 5 and 15, multiplied by the number of cores .
Accordingly, if there is (0.7 * number of cores), you need to start running, and if more (1 * number of cores) - run fast. A load greater than 1 on the core means that there is a shortage and a queue on the processor resources.
Everything is simple from memory, we enter free and delve into it, and if swap is connected, we look at its use.

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