brazzers2019-04-17 08:10:29
Network administration
brazzers, 2019-04-17 08:10:29

What should a Technical Support Engineer know?

The system integrator company in the job description states the requirement "installation, configuration, implementation, testing and technical support of equipment: Cisco, DELL, HP, etc." what do you really need to know, who can describe in more detail and what nuances can be when working with equipment? and what knowledge is needed

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3 answer(s)
keeplod, 2019-04-17

Well, as I understand it, as those support in the same zyxel, you will have to help with setting up the equipment remotely via remote control or by phone as it will, try to set up firewalls yourself, routers, otherwise I think they will teach you

Saboteur, 2019-04-17

"A system integrator company in the job description"
"what you really need to know, who can describe in more detail"
An employee of this particular company knows exactly and can describe in more detail what they are looking for.
You must understand that each company has its own nuances, its own job descriptions, its own requirements for employees. On the toaster they will describe to you the experience of what other companies can have, and this can vary by orders of magnitude.

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