Marta000002020-07-04 20:10:56
Marta00000, 2020-07-04 20:10:56

What should a novice web designer do after graduation?

I recently completed my studies. And I don't really know what to do next. I know how to do design, layout, landing, UX. How to go freelancing? Where to get a portfolio if you are a beginner? Where to find clients if you are inexperienced?

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7 answer(s)
Sergey Gornostaev, 2020-07-04

How to go freelancing?

No way. There are no chances for freelancing until you have grown to at least middle in the office.
Where can I get a portfolio if you are a beginner?

Where to find clients if you are inexperienced?

Word of mouth radio. Friends, relatives, acquaintances of friends and relatives.

romansergeevich, 2020-07-04

Stop freelancing.
Looking for a company/studio.
In the course of work and with the growth of experience and freelancing will roll up.
And then you can go freelancing if you want (I didn't want to)

Puma Thailand, 2020-07-05

Why go freelancing if you don't know anything?
go to the office and work

Vladimir Korotenko, 2020-07-04

Napalm, again the same questions. For example, I have. Https://github.com/vkorotenko
There is a fiasserver project, join the work, in general, not much. Address search page and a small admin panel. You have your copyright and a line in your resume. From you is the ability to lay out a static page in bulma, make a layout, describe the blocks. Make 2-3 topics, I will show all the machinery, only creativity is from you.

CityCat4, 2020-07-04

How to go freelancing?

No way. You should have thought about this when you started training :) A freelancer is his own big boss, no one will think for you.
Where can I get a portfolio if you are a beginner?

Work for free, open source. Work for doshik from everyone who agrees to take.
Where to find clients if you are inexperienced?

Vkontaktik, insta, acquaintances, friends, acquaintances of friends. Mikhail Zhabko wrote a sensible answer, by the way.

Dmimimi, 2020-07-05

After what training? Courses? Self-learning? University program? It follows from the question that you are fundamentally empty-headed.

kk95, 2020-07-08

If there is no money, then get a job somewhere where there will be a minimum income for survival (but not the same after which you will crawl home) and at the same time look for a job as a designer, and study this very design, practice at the table.
If you have money, then look for a trainee position for 0 or 3 kopecks, if only they took it. And after a year of such work - already looking for a normal job without asking how in places like this.

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