longBurn2014-08-07 13:32:38
longBurn, 2014-08-07 13:32:38

What rights should be granted to remotely obtain local paths of shared directories?

I need to get the local path on the server for the specified shared folder using a WMI request. The user must not have administrative rights.
I gave the user rights to DCOM objects and WMI.
When I run locally on the server
get-wmiobject -query "select * from wim32_share" -namespace "root/cimv2" -impersonation 3
I get:
Name Path Description
------- ------ -- ------------
ADMIN$ C:\Windows Remote Admin
C$ C:\ Default share
D$ D:\ Default share
IPC$ Remote IPC
Local paths are present in the output.
But when I execute the given command remotely, from the same user:
get-wmiobject -query "select * from wim32_share" -namespace "root/cimv2" -impersonation 3 -credential domain\testuser -computername "remoteserver"
The output no longer contains local paths:
Name Path Description
------- - ----- --------------
ADMIN$ Remote Admin
C$ Default share
D$ Default share
IPC$ Remote IPC
What and where permissions should be given to the user to get local paths?

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