acidtunes2011-03-30 01:00:27
acidtunes, 2011-03-30 01:00:27

What PR moves do you know about Apple to promote the iPad (1,2)?

I'm collecting materials for my thesis.
I found a lot of things in the search engines, but it seems to me that I could have missed something, so I turn to you.

We need information about what PR technologies, promotions Apple used to announce and promote the iPad of the first and second generation, and what was their effectiveness.

So far from the found and obvious:

  • Various press conferences
  • Publications in the media
  • Information leaks
  • Fansite activity
  • The influence of the personality of Steve Jobs
  • Company image
  • Creating hype (queues, lack of iPads)
  • Help programs (Give your old iPad to the kids)

Thanks in advance for any information, especially if it is a link to the study in English.

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3 answer(s)
Kareshka, 2011-03-30

I can only remember the story of how Apple gave the iPad 2 to a buyer who came to return the purchased gadget.
Here in Russian,
and here in English.
If this, of course, can be attributed to a PR move. :)

Max Kuznetsov, 2011-03-30

The very first item (for the first iPad) should be “innovation”.
I would also add - a developed infrastructure (App Store) and prepared soil in the form of people with iPhones and poppies, who are already accustomed to all the limitations of Apple products and working with iTunes in particular.

Vitali, 2011-03-31

Everything is very accurately described here :)

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