ArmataZen2018-02-17 01:29:48
Power Supply
ArmataZen, 2018-02-17 01:29:48

What power supply to put in a tower server?

Good day!
We collect 2 servers in the tower case.
The budget is small, so we are trying to squeeze the maximum performance out of the minimum money.
But then again, I would like a price / quality option.
2x e-5 5680v2
ddr3 2xSas
1. What PSU would you recommend? (manufacturers, capacity or specific models)
2. How reliable are server PSUs than famous (and which ones?) PSUs for normal use? (FSP, Zalman...)
3. Taking into account the fact that server PSUs from the same Supermicro are 4 times more expensive than regular ones, is the savings justified by buying regular PSUs, but with a spare for replacement? (server downtime of a few hours is not critical). Or is it still better to overpay for server PSUs? (Here at the same time we overpay for compactness, for the possibility of hot swapping)
4. When a PSU fails, what iron can also die? It is clear that for a soft raid it is also very bad when the PSU suddenly dies.
I will be grateful for answers and advice.

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1 answer(s)
Ezhyg, 2018-02-17

Such an overpayment does not justify anything :). But it’s better to take not the cheapest and not even average ones - a little higher, but ordinary desktop PSUs, since they fit the case. And two at once, for reservation.
Zalman doesn't manufacture PSUs, it doesn't even design them.
Of the manufacturers, in addition to FSP (about which some said that they do not produce them), there is also Delta - very high-quality PSUs, and others , who is the real manufacturer, who is the developer, and who is the "label" or TM - we will not go deep, the main thing is that they make high-quality iron, mostly :).
Usually, and for quality - nothing. But often, for ordinary budget PSUs, the gradual dying of the PSU is accompanied by the dying, but at least the same capacitors on the motherboard. Yes, and suddenly they usually do not refuse.
well, it also depends on ... the scenario of using the server, the possibility and regularity of its maintenance

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