twixoff2014-06-17 21:38:11
twixoff, 2014-06-17 21:38:11

What plugin or jQuery solution to use to load content in a responsive layout?

Example: on tablets we display 3 news, on desktop - 4, on high resolutions - 5. How to dynamically load the missing content and rebuild the paginator accordingly? What techniques are used or what is a ready-made plugin?

I once met a jQuery plugin, but I can’t remember / find it.

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3 answer(s)
Vitaly Kirenkov, 2014-06-17

Well, everyone climbs into the front part, if it can be solved on a server without loading the user.
The server is smart, it knows what device the user is using. Depending on this, give the required number of news and build pagination.

Andrey Golumenov, 2014-06-18

I recently translated an article with a similar content loading method

yttrium, 2014-06-18

You can collect scripts using native JQuery methods

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