Ilya bow2016-11-25 12:48:18
Computer networks
Ilya bow, 2016-11-25 12:48:18

What permissions do I need to have to throw a cable from one building to another (my buildings)?

Generally the road. two-lane + former tram tracks. To the left and to the right of the road are two of my (ps where I work) buildings.
The height of the buildings allows you to make a kind of hypotenuse that will unite my local networks.
However, how will our beloved state react to this? What permissions do you need to get to do this?

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4 answer(s)
Cool Admin, 2016-11-25

Set up P2P WiFi hotspots at 5GHz. If the antennas do not stick out in a conspicuous place and are narrowly directed, it will be practically impossible to find such a connection (which means there will be no "special" problems).
In terms of speed and stability, with the right selection of equipment, it is comparable to a cable (which, let me remind you, also breaks, freezes, suffers from lightning and heat).

Vladimir Dubrovin, 2016-11-26

Any work outside the building is considered to be the construction of a communication facility, for this it is necessary
1. Design (must be carried out by an organization licensed to design communication facilities). This is the most difficult, because sometimes they want a disproportionate amount of money.
2. Construction (must be carried out by an organization licensed to build communications facilities). Here, as a rule, fairly well-established prices.
And then you will have to take this communication structure into balance.
Usually in any city there are organizations that deal with contracts for providers of "home" Internet. Some have both required licenses (often only for construction). If you want everything to be done correctly and there are no complaints, contact such an organization.
P.S. в Москве, например, сейчас активно начинается борьба с любыми "воздушками", в т.ч. построенными по всем правилам. Прокладка кабеля по подземным коммуникациям может быть дороже, но надежней в плане административных угроз.
P.S. очень часто необходимые лицензии есть у самих провайдеров. Пообщайтесь неформально с вашим менеджером, узнайте смогут ли они у вас построить или может быть дадут координаты своего подрядчика.

xmoonlight, 2016-11-25

Никому это не нужно, если здания Ваши.
Кидайте и всё.

frees2, 2016-11-25

Здания ваши. Ну вот и Трамп отметился в чатеге. Если серьёзно, по Европе и США, провода по зданиям бросают все кто попало, без разрешения, главное чтобы в глаза сильно не бросалось, если под землёй то обязательно проект нужен, получать разрешение.

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