Andrew2017-11-16 16:44:15
Andrew, 2017-11-16 16:44:15

What needs to be added so that the form sends data to two postal addresses?

Joomla CMS has a feedback form that sends emails to only one email address.
In the code, the variable is responsible for it: The code itself looks like
$recipient = '[email protected]';

// no direct access
defined( '_JEXEC' ) or die( 'Restricted access' );

//Email Parameters
//$recipient = $params->get('email_recipient', '');
$recipient =  '[email protected]';
$fromName = @$params->get('from_name', 'Rapid Contact');
$fromEmail = @$params->get('from_email', '[email protected]');

// Text Parameters
$myEmailLabel = $params->get('email_label', 'Email:');
$mySubjectLabel = $params->get('subject_label', 'Subject:');
$myMessageLabel = $params->get('message_label', 'Message:');
$buttonText = $params->get('button_text', 'Send Message');
$pageText = $params->get('page_text', 'Thank you for your contact.');
$errorText = $params->get('error_text', 'Your message could not be sent. Please try again.');
$noEmail = $params->get('no_email', 'Please write your email');
$invalidEmail = $params->get('invalid_email', 'Please write a valid email');
$wrongantispamanswer = $params->get('wrong_antispam', 'Wrong anti-spam answer');
$pre_text = $params->get('pre_text', '');

// Size and Color Parameters
$thanksTextColor = $params->get('thank_text_color', '#FF0000');
$error_text_color = $params->get('error_text_color', '#FF0000');
$emailWidth = $params->get('email_width', '15');
$subjectWidth = $params->get('subject_width', '15');
$messageWidth = $params->get('message_width', '13');
$buttonWidth = $params->get('button_width', '100');
$label_pos = $params->get('label_pos', '0');
$addcss = $params->get('addcss', 'div.rapid_contact tr, div.rapid_contact td { border: none; padding: 3px; }');

// URL Parameters
$exact_url = $params->get('exact_url', true);
$disable_https = $params->get('disable_https', true);
$fixed_url = $params->get('fixed_url', true);
$myFixedURL = $params->get('fixed_url_address', '');

// Anti-spam Parameters
$enable_anti_spam = $params->get('enable_anti_spam', true);
$myAntiSpamQuestion = $params->get('anti_spam_q', 'How many eyes has a typical person?');
$myAntiSpamAnswer = $params->get('anti_spam_a', '2');
$anti_spam_position = $params->get('anti_spam_position', 0);

// Генерация временной метки
$str=date("d.m.y g:i:s");
$introtext_datastamp = 'При обращении в комитет образования указывайте уникальный код сообщения: ';

// Module Class Suffix Parameter
$mod_class_suffix = $params->get('moduleclass_sfx', '');

if ($fixed_url) {
  $url = $myFixedURL;
else {
  if (!$exact_url) {
    $url = JURI::current();
  else {
    if (!$disable_https) {
      $url = (!empty($_SERVER['HTTPS'])) ? "https://".$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] : "http://".$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
    else {
      $url = "http://".$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];

$url = htmlentities($url, ENT_COMPAT, "UTF-8");

$myError = '';

if (isset($_POST["rp_email"])) {
  $CORRECT_SUBJECT = htmlentities($_POST["rp_subject"], ENT_COMPAT, "UTF-8");
  $CORRECT_MESSAGE = htmlentities($_POST["rp_message"], ENT_COMPAT, "UTF-8");
  // check anti-spam
  if ($enable_anti_spam) {
    if ($_POST["rp_anti_spam_answer"] != $myAntiSpamAnswer) {
      $myError = '<span style="color: ' . $error_text_color . ';">' . $wrongantispamanswer . '</span>';
    else {
      $CORRECT_ANTISPAM_ANSWER = htmlentities($_POST["rp_anti_spam_answer"], ENT_COMPAT, "UTF-8");
  // check email
  if ($_POST["rp_email"] === "") {
    $myError = '<span style="color: ' . $error_text_color . ';">' . $noEmail . '</span>';
  if (!preg_match("/^[_a-z0-9-]+(\.[_a-z0-9-]+)*@[a-z0-9-]+(\.[a-z0-9-]+)*(\.[a-z]{2,4})$/", strtolower($_POST["rp_email"]))) {
    $myError = '<span style="color: ' . $error_text_color . ';">' . $invalidEmail . '</span>';
  else {
    $CORRECT_EMAIL = htmlentities($_POST["rp_email"], ENT_COMPAT, "UTF-8");

  if ($myError == '') {
    $mySubject = $_POST["rp_subject"];
    $myMessage = 'Получено обращение от: '. $_POST["rp_family"] . ' ' . $_POST["rp_name"] . ' ' .  $_POST["rp_name2"] . ' ' ."\n\n".  'Электронный адрес отправителя: ' . $_POST["rp_email"] ."\n\n".   'Код сообщения: ' . $_POST["rp_datastamp"] ."\n\n". 'Текст сообщения: ' ."\n\n". $_POST["rp_message"];

    $mailSender = &JFactory::getMailer();

    $mailSender->addReplyTo(array( $_POST["rp_email"], '' ));


    if ($mailSender->Send() !== true) {
      $myReplacement = '<span style="color: ' . $error_text_color . ';">' . $errorText . '</span>';
      print $myReplacement;
      return true;
    else {
      $myReplacement = '<span style="color: '.$thanksTextColor.';">' . $pageText . '</span><br><span style="font-weight:bold;">' .$introtext_datastamp. $datastamp . '</span>';
      print $myReplacement;
      return true;

} // end if posted

// check recipient
if ($recipient === "") {
  $myReplacement = '<span style="color: ' . $error_text_color . ';">No recipient specified</span>';
  print $myReplacement;
  return true;

print '<style type="text/css"><!--' . $addcss . '--></style>';
print '<div class="rapid_contact ' . $mod_class_suffix . '"><form action="' . $url . '" method="post">' . "\n" .
      '<div class="rapid_contact intro_text ' . $mod_class_suffix . '">'.$pre_text.'</div>' . "\n";

if ($myError != '') {
  print $myError;

$separator = '</td></tr><tr><td>';
$emptycell = '<td></td>';
if ($label_pos == '1') {
  $separator = '<br/>';
  $emptycell = '';

print '<table>';

// print anti-spam
if ($enable_anti_spam) {
  if ($anti_spam_position == 0) {
    print '<tr><td colspan="2">' . $myAntiSpamQuestion . '</td></tr><tr>'.$emptycell.'<td><input class="rapid_contact inputbox ' . $mod_class_suffix . '" type="text" name="rp_anti_spam_answer" size="' . $emailWidth . '" value="'.$CORRECT_ANTISPAM_ANSWER.'"/></td></tr>' . "\n";
// print email input

$familyLabel = 'Фамилия <span class="redscode">*</span>';
$nameLabel = 'Имя <span class="redscode">*</span>';
$name2Label = 'Отчество ';
$introTextSend = '<p class="smallcode"><span class="greycode">В целях объективного и всестороннего рассмотрения Вашего обращения в установленные сроки</span> необходимо <span class="greycode">в тексте обращения указывать адрес описанного Вами места действия, факта или события, а также</span> можно <span class="greycode">указать телефон для возможного уточнения содержания Вашего обращения. </span></p>';
print '<tr><td>' . $familyLabel . $separator . '<input class="rapid_contact inputbox ' . $mod_class_suffix . '" type="text" name="rp_family" size="' . $emailWidth . '" value="'.$CORRECT_EMAIL.'"/></td></tr>' . "\n"; 
print '<tr><td>' . $nameLabel . $separator . '<input class="rapid_contact inputbox ' . $mod_class_suffix . '" type="text" name="rp_name" size="' . $emailWidth . '" value="'.$CORRECT_EMAIL.'"/></td></tr>' . "\n"; 
print '<tr><td>' . $name2Label . $separator . '<input class="rapid_contact inputbox ' . $mod_class_suffix . '" type="text" name="rp_name2" size="' . $emailWidth . '" value="'.$CORRECT_EMAIL.'"/></td></tr>' . "\n"; 
// print email input
print '<tr><td>' . $myEmailLabel . '<span class="redscode"> *</span>'. $separator . '<input class="rapid_contact inputbox ' . $mod_class_suffix . '" type="text" name="rp_email" size="' . $emailWidth . '" value="'.$CORRECT_EMAIL.'"/></td></tr>' . "\n";
// print subject input
print '<tr><td>' . $mySubjectLabel . $separator . '<input class="rapid_contact inputbox ' . $mod_class_suffix . '" type="text" name="rp_subject" size="' . $subjectWidth . '" value="'.$CORRECT_SUBJECT.'"/></td></tr>' . "\n";
// print message input
print '<tr><td valign="top">' . $myMessageLabel . '<span class="redscode"> *</span>'. $separator . $introTextSend . $separator . '<textarea class="rapid_contact textarea ' . $mod_class_suffix . '" name="rp_message" cols="' . $messageWidth . '" rows="4">'.$CORRECT_MESSAGE.'</textarea><input type="hidden" name="rp_datastamp" size=" " value="'.$datastamp.'"/></td></tr>' . "\n";

//print anti-spam
if ($enable_anti_spam) {
  if ($anti_spam_position == 1) {
    print '<tr><td colspan="2">' . $myAntiSpamQuestion . '</td></tr><tr>'.$emptycell.'<td><input class="rapid_contact inputbox ' . $mod_class_suffix . '" type="text" name="rp_anti_spam_answer" size="' . $emailWidth . '" value="'.$CORRECT_ANTISPAM_ANSWER.'"/></td></tr>' . "\n";

// print button
print '<tr><td colspan="2"><input class="rapid_contact button ' . $mod_class_suffix . '" type="submit" value="' . $buttonText . '" style="width: ' . $buttonWidth . '%"/></td></tr></table></form></div>' . "\n";
return true;

Please tell me how you can send data to two postal addresses.
I tried the option to write with a comma, it did not help.

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2 answer(s)
Pavel, 2017-11-16

$recipient = '[email protected]' , 'еще один адрес';

Stimulate, 2017-11-16

$recipient = array('[email protected]' , 'еще один адрес');

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