Wylaroren2021-12-29 10:15:10
Remote access
Wylaroren, 2021-12-29 10:15:10

What methodologies for remote management of VPS exist at the time when 2021?

From the tools I know:

1. Standard OS terminal
2. Third-party terminals like CMDER 3. Software like Tera
Term or PuTTY

2021 nothing more convenient and visual has been invented? I expect a little from new solutions:

1. The presence of a graphical interface (as far as I know, managing remote machines through a graphical interface is no longer a fantasy). In particular, the beginning of the visual file manager.
2. Moving away from non-intuitive console editors

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3 answer(s)
Vladimir Korotenko, 2021-12-29

putty + mc
is absolutely enough.
And this is for one-time jobs. Product servers are fully scripted or CI\CD is used

CityCat4, 2021-12-29

All the same as before. ssh + mc and all that. Who needs a GUI on a server ? They don’t go there to play toys - they do business. For which mc is enough. Well, when there are a lot of them and you need to change something often, they hang automation, ansible for example.

Drno, 2021-12-29

automation - any orchestrator... Ansible the same
For control from the web - WEBMIN AND VIRTUALMIN (but I personally don't use them)

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