dimasibirak2017-02-17 18:45:21
dimasibirak, 2017-02-17 18:45:21

What Linux to install?

Good day, dear forum users, I ask for advice so that you don’t make a mistake in choosing a Linux distribution.
I use my computer for work, I am a freelance web developer.
I would like to pick up a stable distribution, so that there is confidence that it will start tomorrow.
I set Ubuntu in terms of performance no faster than win10, and since one of the main criteria for switching from win to linux is the speed of the OS, I don’t win here.
I looked towards mint mate, what can you say about him?
PC system settings:
gforce9800 graphics card

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2 answer(s)
Egor Ommonik, 2017-02-17

I work under Linux Mint, everything suits. (i7 6700, 16gb)
Your config is really asking for an upgrade a bit. At least up to i3 + 8gb ram.

CityCat4, 2017-02-17

Not enough memory. Install the distribution that has gurus and DE mate, XFCE, LXDE nearby. For me, for example, XFCE is quite an "economical" DE.

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