coderisimo2015-12-01 17:41:00
coderisimo, 2015-12-01 17:41:00

What kind of strange traffic and what to do with it?

I looked at the logs of accessing the site that works for England, I saw a bunch of strange requests.
Requests from the states and Asia, Tried to understand what it is. Here is one example:
IP Insights
IPv6 Learning Center
IP Details for
This information should not be used for emergency purposes, trying to find someone's exact physical address, or other purposes that would require 100% accuracy. Please read about geolocation accuracy for more information.
General IP Information
Decimal: 1078221468
Hostname: crawl4.googlebot.com
ASN: 3561
ISP: Googlebot
Organization: Googlebot
has hundreds of similar requests..is that normal?
in general, among this forest, English IPs have not yet been found, despite the fact that the site was created specifically for them.
I can announce (c) "the whole list, please." https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/19954007/asks/...
Should something be done about this? Or is this normal practice?

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1 answer(s)
asd111, 2015-12-01


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