Alexey R2015-05-27 14:57:48
Character encoding
Alexey R, 2015-05-27 14:57:48

What is vksaver in technical terms?

Please tell me if the video file is technically distorted by the vksaver program. Where does this program or its analogues download video from? From a direct link in the social network VKontakte or from a user's link on the page. Is this program licensed and what compression codec does it use. Is it legal to download videos using such programs and if not, how can it be proven. I know that the video in VK is encoded, whether this program or its analogues violates this encoding. Please help we need real answers and links. It is very important!!! Please help dear community.

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2 answer(s)
MiiNiPaa, 2015-05-27

Please tell me if the video file is technically distorted by the vksaver program
It doesn't do anything with the video itself at all.
Where does this program or its analogues download video from?
From the same place where the player takes it
what compression codec is it using
None. She is downloading the file. What it is reaped, the resulting will be reaped
Is it legal to download videos using such programs
The file is still on your computer. Whether it is lying around in temporary files (from where it can be pulled out manually) or it is pumped out automatically does not matter. It can only violate the terms of use of the service, re-read them to find out if this is so.

SagePtr, 2015-05-27

In technical terms, this is a dll that is injected into each process and replaces requests to WinSock functions. Repeatedly cleaned users' computers from this infection, as they begin to behave in a strange way (network connections are blocked or even blue).
I highly do not recommend using it, except perhaps on a virtual machine, and then with left accounts, passwords for which it is not a pity to lose.

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