Sergey2017-01-22 21:03:52
Sergey, 2017-01-22 21:03:52

What is the reason for such generosity in an interview with Upwork?

I've been working for up for a while now. At first it was hard, a month for 1 project at most and all the responses went nowhere. But where can we go without it ..
About 2 weeks ago, 1-2 invitations to interviews per day began to fall steadily. One day there were even about 5. Of these, 50% of small orders or transfers from the Indians, but still some interesting ones turn into good contracts. I think I somehow mysteriously got into upwork's letters of recommendation when they write something like 'username is a great candidate for this job' to the customer
Some time before that, there was an incident with an hourly contract, the contract was frozen because the customer did not have money on the card. Job done but no response from him. Respectively paid under the guarantee without any problems. I think they are now trying to recoup this money on their commission from new orders and help me in every possible way .. or is this how it should be with 'profile boosting' over time?
Interestingly, from the responses in the feed, the 'conversion' is minimal. 3-4 out of 60. Same as before.
PS Now 95 hours, 16 orders, rate 24$. JSR was 90, updated to 98 today

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3 answer(s)
Anton Filippov, 2017-01-23

>I think they are now trying to recoup this money on their commissions from new orders and help me in every possible way ..
yeah, they sit over every freelancer and think who owes whom this time
in practice, you just got into a wave and now for some reason get into the top 10 from queries, so there are invites, all this is rotated, and in a couple of weeks the wave will drop for a couple of months again.
This is the norm, I can have one week without invites, and the next one, 30 pieces will arrive.
PS Many often notice that starting to bid after some stagnation, invites arrive, that is, this can also be a factor if you really need a job => upwork throws it up

Puma Thailand, 2017-01-23

it's okay
you get to the top of the list when you finish a contract well.

ZERGE, 2017-01-22

What is the reason for such generosity with upwork offers?

That is the mechanism. How exactly it works, probably only upwork knows.
Probably still an interview, not an offer? The client invites for an interview, upwork, probably only offers a list of candidates.
Doubtful. Most likely, the selection is based on many parameters for a specific client with a specific task.

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