Daniel Demidko2018-07-02 06:02:23
IT education
Daniel Demidko, 2018-07-02 06:02:23

What is the point of a university?

It's been a year since I entered the university with a degree in Mathematics and Computer Science. My goal was to "become a programmer".
During this year, I learned to type in Word, identify fonts by eye, taught the grammar of the Russian language, and the classification of disasters in life safety, ran in physical education and taught for some reason the necessary theorems in mathematical analysis.
I have questions that no teacher can answer. Please answer me you.
* Why do programmers need to learn Russian, obzh, fonts in Word?
* Why are all programming profiles unnaturally mixed with mathematics?
* Why do you need a teacher who lectures on a book when there is a book?
* Why learn by heart what you can read at any time?
According to my observations, there is nothing useful in the university that is not in the books. And more useless nonsense, which is needed so that the people who tell it have a job.
What is the point of a university then? And why does it take his crust to get a job?

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21 answer(s)
Anthony7, 2018-07-02

This is a scam, just try to contact employers with an interesting vacancy for you, say that you know everything they want, but you don’t have a diploma. If you agree, go to university. In our universities, only the canteen and heifers are useful. I personally unlearned and there’s no use, for the last couple of years I’ve been trolling teachers that they are dumber than most students (my university is now in the middle of the ranking of the best universities in the country). They stretch any program and add water to it so that you pay longer)

Garry Fisher, 2018-07-02

In high school, they are taught to interact with people. Not in the sense that skip couples, swell, but on the contrary, solve a problematic control, write a term paper. Develop skills in any area. Often, this is exactly what people in the university neglect. This is a social structure where, according to the idea, people with similar interests should have gathered. Unfortunately, this is an easy way for us to get away from the army. Or parents said: "You have to do..." Etc. In addition, a diploma will help you get a good job in our country or somewhere else.
Why teach? As for "strange" items that, it would seem, no one needs - this is an erroneous point of view. Any work confronts us with surprises that we did not even think about. That's when you remember about some kind of life safety and so on. Often, resentment on this score is associated not with a great mind, but, on the contrary, with great ignorance and a narrow outlook on life. Such items need to be swallowed, tormented and know where to peep in case of something. Or just take a wider view. You will not deny that even if you are studying to be a programmer, it is necessary to know the basics of economics, right? And then you can get a job where you will write some kind of software where even deep knowledge will not interfere?
Without mathematics, one can only engage in form-slapping. Everywhere, one way or another, mathematics is needed. Somewhere simple arithmetic, somewhere the nuances of encryption.
A teacher who teaches a course based on a book - with his own nuances - is pure evil and, of course, he is not needed. But what if the book is good? So he has already done his part. It's not so bad anymore. Everyone suffered from it, no one died. These are features of our education. Not all teachers are geniuses and they should be. But your questions must be answered. Here I really want to slide into a controversy about how to deal with this, but the thread is not about that.
Learn by heart? Let's just say it doesn't get any worse. Yes, things have changed a bit now. If until ~2000x it was important to have a good memory. It is more difficult to search through books, but there were no other ways then. Now there is no urgent need to remember important information. Now it's important to know where to find it. This skill has become more important now, due to the availability of the Internet. Important information is deposited in your head if you constantly use it - this cannot be avoided. Here, indeed, now it is important to know where to find, than to remember thoroughly. But a person who is a walking library leaves a much more interesting impression than one who says: "Right, sec, I know for sure, it was written here." This is absolutely true for an employer. If you remember, you know how to develop a thought, and not stupidly memorized, then you will leave a more vivid impression. It seems to me that this is an old-fashioned approach and in time it will really be possible to google it and everyone will be satisfied with it. But now the image of a smart, well-read person is still very important. It's still interesting to talk live, with a phone in your pocket, rather than chatting in snippets of articles you've just read.
You are right in your opinion. You can be an exceptionally disciplined person and learn everything from books. Pump yourself in theory well enough, and in practice. But there is still a gap between the book and the deed. Anyway, life is a social thing. At work, you can have exactly the same head of department as that teacher at the university. If you go to the office to work, there will be real people with whom you need to be able to interact. Yes, even if you are a freelancer, you need to talk with the client, negotiate with contractors if you don’t have time, or consult with someone if you don’t know something.
University is needed. He teaches, teaches communication with people, solving social problems. It teaches you to solve tasks, sometimes, which you did not expect. It gives you the opportunity to meet people who are interested in the same area as you. Meet people who are smarter than you and level up to their level. And yes, whatever one may say, he gives you a piece of paper. Maybe you won’t need it, or maybe at some point you will greatly regret that you didn’t get it. I would even say that a university is a part of youth, and there is no need to deprive yourself of it. :-) And I would add that it is desirable to study outside of your hometown. But it's a lyric :)

CityCat4, 2018-07-02

What is the point of a university then?

Suddenly - he teaches :) Certainly not what they serve as content on some subjects. He teaches you to learn, that is, process information, systematize it, draw conclusions - and all this in very extreme conditions :)
No, no one bothers you not to study - go upwork, compete with Indians, rivet landing pages, solve captchas :) - specialists IT needs everyone, including those who "lay asphalt"

Konstantin Nagibovich, 2018-07-02

Go to the army, there you will get the answer to your question.

Alexander Kulnev, 2018-07-02

The goal of the university is to make you a competent person.

Vladimir Olohtonov, 2018-07-02

* Why do programmers need to learn Russian, obzh, fonts in Word?
Ek, you mixed everything together :) a competent Russian, as well as an understanding of how exactly to act in extreme situations, are not needed by programmers, they are needed by cultured people, this is just an attempt to prepare you for life, at least somehow.
Word is most likely needed so that you can write term papers neatly, without learning it from scratch in your free time (although the need to teach it is a very controversial idea).
* Why are all programming profiles unnaturally mixed with mathematics?
"Mathematics is at the heart of all serious knowledge."
If there is a need for something more complicated than molds and OOP to understand, you will be grateful to the university for teaching mathematics.
* Why do you need a teacher who lectures on a book when there is a book?
Have you ever tried to learn some serious discipline from a book? The presence of a living person with his experience and the opportunity to get an answer "on the fingers" is a rare privilege.
* Why learn by heart what you can read at any time?
The knowledge that is present somewhere in the network, of which you only remember that it exists, practically does not participate in the thought process, you cannot use it passively.
* According to my observations, there is nothing useful in the university that is not in the books. What is the point of a university then?
The books have everything, the task of the university is to make it easier for you to assimilate this knowledge. Try to study some section of higher mathematics on your own, after a few months of time spent, you will understand why a university is needed.
In addition to studying, a university is communication with peers who are interested in about the same things, this will come in handy in the future.
* And why is his crust required to get a job?
It is not required, only work is far from the main thing and not the only thing in life for which you need to be an educated person.

Vladimir Skibin, 2018-07-02

The question is most likely incorrectly perceived and raised holivar meanwhile what is expected from the university, what it gives and what they take from it. I would put the question more correctly: "what did the university give you?" In your situation, it is possible that you either took from the university everything that it, as an instance, could give, or maybe you have not yet taken everything that it can give.
Advising you to move on or drop out of school will not make sense, as it is only your vision and your life. If you think that this institution cannot give you anything else, then it is better to finish it so that your conscience remains clear, that the next life stage that has begun in life has been passed.
I'd rather tell you what the university gave me.
Firstly, I completed it in the last decade in a provincial town, so the level of IT knowledge delivery, namely knowledge, left much to be desired. After all, not every university can contain practitioners in the right field who will pass on exactly the necessary experience that everyone expects when studying there. But by the time I was in high school, I was already working and taking a ped. practice at your university. Here I just tried to smooth out all the bumps that I encountered, students went to my lectures, because I shared my life experience, but in no case did I say that what they had received before would never be useful to them . Accordingly, as pointed out here already repeatedly, he taught me to learn to learn. I'm not saying that I didn't know how to do this from school, but the skill was honed to a higher level.
Secondly, any "unnecessary" item can be useful someday. Maybe not even for its intended purpose. I will give an example from my practice. At the time of studying the pedagogy of higher education, the moments in which I could apply the knowledge that I received did not really come to mind. But over time, I found that when teaching juniors, I use exactly the methods that I was taught. And they worked. Of course, I adapted them a little to fit my area, but they really worked. Makarenko did not try in vain. As for life safety and other related things, imagine the situation that you are the head of an enterprise (at least a small / IT company), and the landlord sells you a room that, by no means, meets the standards that you don’t remember by heart, but you understand at least what what answers (volume norms for one workplace). As a child, I was "given" to a music school. I didn’t understand why I needed this, to which I was given the answer: You’ll be in high society, and there they will discuss the Bach symphony or Vivaldi’s Four Seasons - and you’re not in the tooth with your foot. Over time, I discovered that I am one of the few people around me who at least somehow understands what scale, chord, etc. are and can say what it is and why, which leads to the next point.
Thirdly, the university gave me many good acquaintances and friends who, by chance, are now scattered all over the globe. Yes, I occasionally communicate with some and absorb social sugar, which helps at least unwind. Well, a large number of acquaintances has never harmed anyone. And at a minimum, with all these friends it was necessary to build relationships. This is precisely the social role of the institution. I was even lucky enough to be the head of the student council, which gave me an invaluable early skill in managing "unruly" students.
Fourthly, the university taught me that you need to have an idea about the border areas of application of your knowledge, and these specialists have always been valued. I do not mean that a highly specialized specialist will be less valuable, but in my memory, a narrow specialist has never held leadership positions. From this, many questions even arose - why this one (conditionally Vasya) took the post of head of the department, and not (conditionally Petya), although the second understands better. As a rule, the first one simply has just the right skills for a leader and will be able to make the second one work more efficiently. Perhaps this may "smell" of the soviet approach, for which he was kind of praised, but I do not want to go to extremes.
Fifthly, this is the same crust / plastic and so on. Do not carry her over your shoulders. But life has turned in such a way that it is just the presence of this very crust that gives privileges. Of course, this happened when interacting with the state structure. And whatever one may say, you still have to interact with them.
Sixthly, the university gave me the necessary survival skill. Not in the direct plan "how to survive in the desert without water" and so on, but it is either the procedure or the attitude in which the necessary state (deadline / test / exam / other) can be realized by mobilizing all the internal energy that I could release .
I do not regret that I received two towers in parallel. Not everything that was given there, I use 100%, but I simply adapted something to my needs. It was a good life experience. Would I like future generations to walk this path with the same benefit? - Yes. But as the reviews of the last five years (younger brothers, sisters) show, they don’t have everything that I went through, and only the smallest share remains. This is sad.
So the choice is yours, but my recommendation is to finish the university after all. And no one forbids you to work in parallel.

Pasechnik Kuzmich, 2018-07-02

The industry has changed over the past 50 years. Today we need techies, not scientists. Figuratively speaking, business wants Howard Wolowitz, and universities only graduate Sheldon Cooper.

abonu, 2018-07-02

Two points:
1) if you came to study and immediately started in your specialty, then it would not be higher education, but secondary special (professional)
2) you studied for only a year. The first two years at the university are taught general subjects, then, if the specialty is good, the bias will go to a greater extent on the subject of the specialty.
PS, for example, from the 3rd year I started subjects related directly to computers, so it was possible to do all the tasks in advance and only report on practices.

vanyamba-electronics, 2018-07-04

* Why do programmers need to learn Russian, obzh, fonts in Word?

One of the greats said that programming is the most humanitarian of the technical disciplines. We were not taught Russian, but they taught philosophy. And at some point I realized that I like philosophy more than programming. However, I became a programmer.
So that your programs quickly count, and not deal with the enumeration of options.
Why read a book when you can read the title?
Oh how deluded you are. On the Internet, it is almost impossible to find what you need in a reasonable time. And you won’t read a math textbook for a week when you have a month allotted for the entire program.

Anton Filippov, 2018-07-02

* Why do programmers need to learn Russian, obzh, fonts in Word?

General development + learning learning. Not everyone is as advanced as you, some come from collective farms to the university.
Not unnatural.
Different types of information presentation. If you don't like audial - get it visually, no one forbids you.
Memory development
According to my observations, there is nothing useful in the university that is not in the books. And more useless nonsense, which is needed so that the people who tell it have a job.
What is the point of a university then? And why does it take his crust to get a job?

Not required. From the Russian crust there is a sense if you get a job in government services or if you want to dump abroad for an easier visa.

asd111, 2018-07-03

The university gives a lot of knowledge in algorithms and mathematics, which is difficult to get on your own because of laziness. You yourself will not read all the books that you want to read for a good salary.
The university gives you a diploma.
The university gives a respite from the army.
If you wanted to deal with computers, then consider that with the receipt of a diploma your dream will come true, it remains only to study for 4 years.
4 years will fly by quickly.
You can see right now what are the requirements for your profession on headhunter and, in addition to studying, you can also read specifically for your profession, then many questions will disappear by themselves
There is one universal answer to all your "why": this is how it is done in Russia. Of course, education in Russia is not as cool as in the West, but the main thing is that it exists at least in this form and it’s better not to pay attention to the shortcomings of the education system, but just study and try to study well.
As for mathematics, I will say this. In the USA there is a profession of a financial analyst programmer and mathematicians are hired there and the salary there is from $ 500 thousand per year to $ 2 million per year, the company is called "2 sigma".

Dmitry Krapivin, 2018-07-02

By experience:
a) a person who has clearly decided who he wants to become, must determine and know what he needs. Depending on this, he finds a solution to his Wishlist.
b) a person who does not know / knows little what he needs or / and how to achieve his goal and what is needed for this, he has to look for solutions, incl. and university, and then go to point a.
Outcome: A higher education institution is needed if: -for a
crust (sometimes in offices there is a requirement for I/O);
- if you want to work in the civil service (advanced degrees + to salary)
- if you don’t understand how to achieve your goal (cloudy and long, but still opens windows in the chosen direction, or vice versa, opens the window that the chosen direction is not yours);
-if there is an understanding that the university can provide certain knowledge and experience (see item b)

devalone, 2018-07-02

* Why do programmers need to learn Russian, obzh, fonts in Word?

Alas, education in this country leaves much to be desired, the program is made up by some idiots, and it turns out that techies teach more humanitarianism than actually technical subjects.
Claims are in vain here, university mathematics for programming is not required, but it will be useful, especially if you decide to go into specific areas like machine learning.
Because it happened this way and because the majority cannot self-educate, alas, you will have to suffer and endure useless lectures, because the teacher will lower the grade if you don’t go.
In theory, you need to learn the basics, but not memorize, but understand, and you can always find the details, you're right, but in life you have to learn a bunch of unnecessary garbage the day before the session and forget the next day.
It depends on the university, if it’s a country’s zazhopinsk, then most likely the university is really useless there, but even in useless universities there can be a couple of teachers who understand their business, from whom you can ask anything, plus opportunities in the form of olympiads, CTFs, etc. .d.
Because it happened that way, you can work and get settled that way, but it will be easier to immigrate, for example, with a crust. If you can in self-education and need a piece of paper, try the correspondence.

Alexander Sinitsyn, 2018-07-02

There are many levels of educational institutions and the university is one of them. The choice of formation height depends on the purpose. If you want to program sites on WP, then the university is redundant, the schools are "sufficient", go to the army and get a job. Face the Russian - there are copywriters. Faced with mathematics - consultants with education to help you.
If, in your head, there is something more serious, you want to develop deep into the profession, join the scientific community, then the university is just right + postgraduate, master's, etc.
Therefore, first the goal, then the means, resources, tools. Who knows where he is going - he chooses what to study and where. Who does not know ... well, you understand)))
PS: As for "learning by heart", the professional differs from the rest in that his number of "requests to Google", while solving the task, tends to zero)

Amffore, 2018-07-03

To be honest, the specialty "Mathematics and Computer Science" immediately suggests that there will be a minimum of programming there. I myself entered the "Software Engineering", that is, the name itself says that the main bias in training will be programming, which confirmed the presence of almost 80% of subjects related to it.
Therefore, you need to look at what the curriculum will be in one direction or another. I don’t know how it is at your university, but personally, upon admission, and all applicants, I had the opportunity to see what subjects would be during the entire study period.
From the subjects I can list: Programming (C#, .NET), Web programming (html/css/js/php), Databases, Algorithms and data structures, Fundamentals of logic, etc. Yes, maybe they are taught not in such a large volume, but the main task is to give a "base" on which you will continue to study yourself.
Therefore, I want to say that this is a problem in the university, and not in education in general, and possibly in the wrong direction.

Johnny Smith, 2018-07-04

What is the meaning of life brother

Alexey P, 2018-07-12

Treat it like June 22, 1941……………

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