Ivan Trofimov2011-01-10 19:53:29
satellite navigation
Ivan Trofimov, 2011-01-10 19:53:29

What is the GPS navigator?

Basic requirement:
To be able to transfer the received coordinates to a remote server
I want to write a web interface using Ya.Kart to track the position of the navigator.
If there is no ready-made solution, I will be glad to receive information on a home-made device.

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7 answer(s)
ChemAli, 2011-01-11

Budget smartphone on Windows from the secondary market + software like this one: gpstracker.codeplex.com/

vessi, 2011-01-10

So far, for this kind of tasks, I have met only independently developed devices. with self-written firmware and other goodies. there is even a familiar developer of such devices.

Puma Thailand, 2011-01-10

I recommend Navitel from for non-Moscow, but for Russia it is the best in my opinion.

freeek, 2011-01-10

store.artlebedev.ru/electronics/shturmann-play-500/ - the truth is better not with your own firmware.

gjf, 2011-01-11

GPS navigators as standalone devices do not support transmitting coordinates to a remote service. Even the latest touring models like the Garmin Oregon 550 only allow you to transfer coordinates wirelessly from device to device , while there is no support for transferring to any other device.
IMHO, to combine such different tasks, you need a device that determines the coordinates (GPS tracker, GPS dongle, in short - something that works like GPS and connects to a laptop via USB or a handheld via wireless) + a laptop or handheld that allows you to process information and upload it to network.
Further - just automating the process, there are a lot of options, there are quite a lot of them on the net.

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