Rulin2015-02-18 22:28:55
satellite navigation
Rulin, 2015-02-18 22:28:55

How to determine the location (GPS coordinates) of a WiFi point, by its MAC address, or the MAC addresses of nearby points?

A few years ago (somewhere in 2010), there was only a vulnerability, if there was such an API functionality in Google Maps, it was possible to form a specific URL request to Google Maps, specifying the MAC address of the WiFi point as a parameter, and get the GPS coordinates of the location in response this point, of course, provided that Google has already cached its GPS coordinates using other devices with GPS connected to this point. Thus, it was possible to determine the location without the direct presence of a GPS receiver. I couldn’t find an example of such a request now, although I remember how I tried to send it myself, and received the correct GPS coordinates, I found only a few references and non-working services that used it ( geektimes.ru/post/110299 samy.pl/mapxss samy.pl/ androidmap/index.php)and nothing more.
Question: Does such functionality currently exist in the Google Maps API or other map services, and / or are there services that provide such functionality without an API simply by requesting through a form on the site?

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4 answer(s)
Ergil Osin, 2015-02-19

curl -i -s -k -X 'POST' -H 'User-Agent: Dalvik/2.1.0 (Linux; U; Android 5.0.1; Nexus 5 Build/LRX22C)' -H 'Content-Type: application/ x-www-form-urlencoded' ' mobile.maps.yandex.net/cellid_location/?clid=18668... '
Replace XXXXXXXXXXXX with the MAC address of the access point. I checked it on the access point of my older brother, it gives the coordinates up to the house, that is, I give the coordinates to Google and it directly says “City of Bzdyam, Tydash Street, House 10”.

Sergey Pastukhov, 2015-02-18

You can use the Yandex.Locator API .

mylnikov, 2015-04-15

You can use the api to get location by bssid wi-fi Determine the location by Wi-Fi (MAC, bssid) for Wi-Fi.
Or for cell towers OpenCellID public base of telephone exchanges of the world ...

Viktor Golovanenko, 2021-03-03

You can use the geomac program: https://drygdryg.github.io/geomac-webpage/index_ru... or the Telegram bot for this program: https://t.me/geomacbot

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