nikname122020-05-05 16:52:01
Solid State Drives
nikname12, 2020-05-05 16:52:01

What is the difference between an external SSD and a flash drive and micro sd?

Good afternoon. What is the difference between an external SSD and a flash drive and micro sd. The speeds indicate the same, the prices for 1 GB are about the same. It's all flash memory, right? How then does it turn out that the ssd is large (you need to carry a wire to most), the flash drive is smaller and more convenient (now there are high-speed flash drives the size of USB itself) and there is also a micro sd the size of a fingernail. And in the pocket they will not interfere at all. There are micro sd for 128, 256 and 512 GB in general.
SSDs are also available in different sizes from 2.5 to small m2. In the cutaway photo, the larger ssds had more chips than the smaller ones. It is not clear what types of memory flash drives and micro SD have. Someone said that in MLC flash drives.

1. Does size affect reliability?
2. Does the amount of memory affect reliability?
3. Which is better: a large SSD, a small SSD (provided that all the characteristics are the same type of memory and the amount of GB), a regular flash drive, a small flash drive or a microsd with a card reader? (It can also be used in photographic equipment, universally)

They say that you can’t store files on flash memory (flash drives, ssd, microsd). How long are they stored? Do they disappear gradually or all at once? When I found out, I was surprised. I have music left on my old flash drive (which I forgot about and did not connect) after 4 years :) Since the memory is volatile, does it mean that it must be "charged" by inserting it into the usb port?

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4 answer(s)
Artem @Jump, 2020-05-05
Tag curated by

What is the difference between an external SSD and a flash drive and micro sd
It depends on what - some modern ones are no different, but this is immediately evident in the price. They cost like an SSD.
So the main differences are
  • Powerful processor.
  • Having enough RAM
  • Advanced firmware with wear leveling algorithms - and this is impossible without the first two points.
  • A decent reserve of cells for reassignment.

If everything is very simplified -
Let's say we have a memory designed for 300 cycles of work. To disable it, it is enough to rewrite the same area three hundred times. It's easy to do in a couple of hours. This is what happens on a flash drive. All cells are intact, and one is worn out to zero, and the flash drive is in the trash.
And the SSD will not let you do this - the built-in logic will not allow you to write to a cell with a lot of wear, as a result, the wear of all cells is uniform.
Does size affect reliability?
Complex issue.
Let's just say - not quite, and not directly.
You can make a miniature and very reliable device - but it will be expensive.
Does the amount of memory affect reliability?
It is not clear what kind of memory we are talking about - about RAM or about the presence of a stock of NAND? In general, there is some influence, but indirect.
Which is better: big SSD, small SSD
It's hard to say - you need to look at specific models. As a rule, the larger one cools better, therefore it is better. But this is not always the case.
They say flash memory (flash drives, ssd, microsd) cannot store files.
How is it impossible? Everyone is kept, and then it turns out that it is impossible?
How long are they stored? Do they disappear gradually or all at once?
Depends on the type of memory used and storage conditions. Of course, SLC is stored for the longest time, respectively, QLC is worse, the technical process also affects - the better the technical process, the shorter the shelf life.
In general, somewhere from six months to ten years. It strongly depends on the conditions - primarily on temperature.
When I found out, I was surprised.
Seriously? Can you name a drive where data is stored forever? All drives have a limited shelf life.
Since the memory is volatile, then it must be "charged" by inserting it into the usb port?
In general, yes. Although it may be necessary not just to supply power, but to overwrite. It's more reliable. When reading, the charge drops.

GavriKos, 2020-05-05

Firstly, SSDs have all sorts of hardware gimmicks like cache.
Secondly - something tells me that they have a different write / rewrite resource.
Thirdly - the conditional connection controller - also the SSD is clearly better.

Andrey Ermachenok, 2020-05-05

It is pointless to argue what is better to use for spherical tasks with the same spheral budgets.
Everything is taken, as always, according to the task and according to the budget.
With current realities, for data storage - an external HDD (NAS).
Under the system - SSD
In the camera, DVR, smartphone - SD card
For data transfer - USB flash drive.

Vladimir Korotenko, 2020-05-05

Go to https://habr.com/ru/company/kingston_technology
There, it was explained more than once why and how. There are no miracles in general. This is confirmed by 10 approximately discarded flash drive for the phone (orange pi pc and other things)

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