RazorBG2021-01-02 19:31:55
Probability theory
RazorBG, 2021-01-02 19:31:55

What is the difference between a queuing system and a queuing network?

If we adhere to the definition:
A queuing system (QS) is a mathematical (abstract) object containing one or more devices (channels) that serve applications entering the system and a drive that contains applications that form queue O and are waiting for service.
A queuing network (QN) is a set of interconnected QS, in the environment of which applications circulate.
That network is a more general definition of a system.

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1 answer(s)
Vasily Bannikov, 2021-01-02

That network is a more general definition of a system.

No. It is also clearly stated there: CMO is several CMOs

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