Stanislav Ivanov2015-11-27 14:09:48
Payment systems
Stanislav Ivanov, 2015-11-27 14:09:48

What is the cheapest PCI DSS auditor you know?

So far I have received an offer of ~300,000 rubles. and 1 month. Could it be cheaper?
You need the simplest certification - just embed an iframe on the site to transfer payment data to the bank, the volume of transactions is up to 5,000 per year and the average transaction size is up to 1,000 rubles.

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1 answer(s)
ebezgodov, 2015-12-01

If you need a QSA audit of a merchant, then we can meet the specified amount. If a self-assessment sheet (SAQ) is enough, then it can be cheaper.
Evgeniy Bezgodov, CISA, PCI QSA
t. +7 (812) 361-61-55
[email protected], www.deiteriy.com
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