Igor Frolov2018-08-11 11:47:25
Payment systems
Igor Frolov, 2018-08-11 11:47:25

When buying in an online store through Privat24 from a phone, I don’t receive an email about the purchase, but I receive it through the PC version, what’s wrong?

Plugin Name: WooCommerce Privat24 Gateway

add_action('plugins_loaded', 'init_WC_Privat24_Payment_Gateway', 0);

function init_WC_Privat24_Payment_Gateway() {

    if(!class_exists('WC_Payment_Gateway')) return;

    class WC_Privat24_Payment_Gateway extends WC_Payment_Gateway{

        public function __construct(){

            $this->id = 'privat24';
            $this->has_fields         = false;
            $this->method_title       = 'Privat24';
            $this->method_description = __( 'Privat24', 'woocommerce_privat24' );
            $this->liveurl            = 'https://api.privatbank.ua/p24api/ishop';
            $this->title              =  $this->settings['title'];
            $this->description        =  $this->settings['description'];
            $this->merchant_id        = $this->settings['merchant_id'];
            $this->merchant_password  = $this->settings['merchant_password'];
            $this->icon               = apply_filters('woocommerce_privat24_icon', 'https://www.privat24.ua/img/78f32b1095f8275e1b7fc46ebed4614b.svg');
            // Actions
            add_action('woocommerce_update_options_payment_gateways', array(&$this, 'process_admin_options'));
            add_action( 'woocommerce_receipt_'. $this->id, array( $this, 'receipt_page' ) );
            add_action('woocommerce_api_wc_privat24', array($this, 'check_ipn_response'));

        public function init_form_fields(){

            $this->form_fields = array(
                'enabled' => array(
                    'title' => __( 'Включить/Отключить', 'woocommerce_privat24' ),
                    'type' => 'checkbox',
                    'label' => __( 'Включить', 'woocommerce_privat24' ),
                    'default' => 'yes'
                'title' => array(
                    'title' => __( 'Заголовок', 'woocommerce_privat24' ),
                    'type' => 'text',
                    'description' => __( 'Заголовок, который отображается на странице оформления заказа', 'woocommerce_privat24' ),
                    'default' => 'Privat24',
                    'desc_tip' => true,
                'description' => array(
                    'title' => __( 'Описание', 'woocommerce_privat24' ),
                    'type' => 'textarea',
                    'description' => __( 'Описание, которое отображается в процессе выбора формы оплаты', 'woocommerce_privat24' ),
                    'default' => __( 'Оплатить через электронную платежную систему Приват24', 'woocommerce_privat24' ),
                'merchant_id' => array(
                    'title' => __( 'Merchant ID', 'woocommerce_privat24' ),
                    'type' => 'text',
                    'description' => __( 'Уникальный идентификатор магазина в системе Privat24.', 'woocommerce_privat24' ),
          'default' => '137099',
                'merchant_password' => array(
                    'title' => __( 'Пароль', 'woocommerce_privat24' ),
                    'type' => 'password',
                    'description' => __( 'Пароль мерчанта', 'woocommerce_privat24' ),
          'default' => '7bG892213076TR28nN0HlNB3rZoY7e4',

        function process_payment($order_id){
            $order = new WC_Order($order_id);
            return array(
                'result' => 'success',
                'redirect'  => add_query_arg('order', $order->id, add_query_arg('key', $order->order_key, get_permalink(woocommerce_get_page_id('pay'))))

        public function receipt_page($order){
            echo '<p>'.__('Спасибо за Ваш заказ, пожалуйста, нажмите кнопку ниже, чтобы заплатить.', 'woocommerce').'</p>';
            echo $this->generate_form($order);

        public function generate_form($order_id){
            $order = new WC_Order( $order_id );
            $action_adr = $this->liveurl;
            $result_url = str_replace( 'https:', 'http:', add_query_arg( 'wc-api', 'wc_privat24', get_permalink(woocommerce_get_page_id('thanks')) ) );
            $args = array(
                            'amt'         => $order->order_total,
                            'ccy'         => get_woocommerce_currency(),
                            'merchant'    => $this->merchant_id,
                            'order'       => $order_id,
                            'details'     => "Оплата за заказ - $order_id",
                            'ext_details' => "Оплата за заказ - $order_id",
                            'pay_way'     => 'privat24',
                            'return_url'  => $result_url,
                            'server_url'  => '',


            $args_array = array();

            foreach ($args as $key => $value){
            			$args_array[] = '<input type="hidden" name="'.esc_attr($key).'" value="'.esc_attr($value).'" />';

                    '<form action="'.esc_url($action_adr).'" method="POST" id="privat24_payment_form">'.
                    '<input type="submit" class="button alt" id="submit_privat24_button" value="'.__('Оплатить', 'woocommerce').'" /> <a class="button cancel" href="'.$order->get_cancel_order_url().'">'.__('Отказаться от оплаты & вернуться в корзину', 'woocommerce').'</a>'."\n".
                    implode("\n", $args_array).

        function check_ipn_response(){
            global $woocommerce;

            $posted = $_POST['payment'];
            $hash = sha1(md5($posted.$this->merchant_password));
            if (isset($_POST['payment']) && $hash === $_POST['signature']){
                 $items=explode("&", $_POST['payment']);
                 foreach($items as $it){
                    $key=""; $value="";
                    list($key, $value)=explode("=", $it, 2);

                  $order = new WC_Order($payment_items['order']);
                  $order->update_status('processing', __('Платеж успешно оплачен', 'woocommerce'));
                  $order->add_order_note( __('Клиент успешно оплатил заказ', 'woocommerce') );

                wp_die('IPN Request Failure');




add_filter( 'woocommerce_payment_gateways', 'add_WC_Privat24_Payment_Gateway' );

function add_WC_Privat24_Payment_Gateway( $methods ){
    $methods[] = 'WC_Privat24_Payment_Gateway';
    return $methods;

The question is not even what is wrong, but how is this possible, technical support workers answered modestly that Privat24 is not supported and everything goes through LiqPay, but since the plugin itself works, I want to get to the bottom of the truth.

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1 answer(s)
lamer350, 2018-08-11

I personally don’t see the function of sending a purchase message to email in this plugin at all, most likely woocomerce does it yourself and you need to dig there. In addition, you did not specify the mobile version with a separate back? Then it would be quite logical to delve into the code of the mob version.
If the adaptive version, then in principle you cannot have such problems, the only thing that comes to mind is either enter the email incorrectly from the phone, or hide the field during adaptation and it remains empty.
Or is the question about the check? who sends private? If so, then nothing depends on you here, and from memory, it’s true that likpay or private has never requested mail on mobile devices, and you certainly won’t be able to influence this in any way and it doesn’t depend on your plugin.
In general, more questions than answers, as you modestly described the problem.

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