partyzanx2019-01-31 11:28:33
partyzanx, 2019-01-31 11:28:33

What is the browser extension to buy from shutterstock?

I would like to install a convenient extension that is built into the shooterstock interface and instantly buys images for money (maximum for 30 cents).
Tell me please.
I googled, but there something strange gives out.

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2 answer(s)
Mikhail Proskurin, 2019-01-31

As for the browser extension - I don’t know, about buying images for 30 cents, to demonstrate them to the customer (but by no means, not for commercial use), there is a shopdiz.pro service

Peter Eremin, 2019-12-28

Automatic buyout service from get-stock.org marquee. But there is a $1 price tag.

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