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What is the best way to implement the function of viewing all or my events in the calendar on click?
To display the calendar, I use the Fullcalendar gem.
Of course, there is a more complex and better idea, but unfortunately I can’t implement it yet, it’s very difficult for me. I will describe if someone can write the code. One request to the database to receive all events, pass two additional attributes via json ( and event.user_id), and then, on click, make a selection on js and display filtered events. Or immediately send two pre-sorted arrays and display the corresponding types with a switch (I can sort at the ruby level, but how to display them in js). If no one can implement the task in a complex form, please describe the code in js how to make a view from different files on click. I can implement it on two pages, but this will be a very bad decision. If someone has another more correct implementation, please describe, if you don't have a lot of trouble.
index.json.jbuilder(передача всех событий)
json.array! @events_all do |event| event[:id]
json.title event[:title]
json.start event[:start].to_time.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S')
if signed_in?
if event[:user_id] ==
json.url edit_event_path(event)
json.url event_path(event)
json.url event_path(event)
json.my_events my_events_path
<code lang="ruby">
my_events.json.jbuilder(передача событий только вошедшего пользователя)
json.array! @events_all do |event| event[:id]
json.title event[:title]
json.start event[:start].to_time.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S')
json.url edit_event_path(event)
<code lang="javascript">
var calendar;
calendar = function (){
$(function () {
customButtons: {
myCustomButton: {
text: 'my event',
click: function() {
/*здесь хочу пояснение*/
header: {
left: 'title',
right: 'myCustomButton, today, prev, next'
buttonText: {
today: "Сегодня"
monthNames: ['Январь','Февраль','Март','Апрель','Май','Июнь','Июль','Август','Сентябрь','Октябрь','Ноябрь','Декабрь'],
dayNamesShort: ["ВС","ПН","ВТ","СР","ЧТ","ПТ","СБ"],
selectable: true,
selectHelper: true,
editable: true,
eventLimit: true,
events: '/events.json',
eventClick: function(event) {
$(document).on('turbolinks:load', calendar);
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