Lost70702015-07-11 14:13:03
IT education
Lost7070, 2015-07-11 14:13:03

What is the best service or book to learn English grammar?

I set myself the goal of learning English. There are a lot of services for memorizing words, translating texts and other things, and there are no problems with this.
Please advise a service or a book in which it is very structured, simple and understandable, you can study the grammar of the language.
Thanks in advance to all who respond.

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17 answer(s)
kp069, 2015-07-11

Raymond Murphy: Essential grammar in use (Beginner level)
Raymond Murphy: English grammar in use (Advanced level)

TheUnity, 2015-07-11


Alexey Pomogaev, 2015-07-25

Here's to you for the first timeheMfWVP-obQ.jpg

whitecolor, 2015-07-11

Try babeleo.com there, of course, there are no explanations of the rules, our books with audio and translation will help a lot in general when learning the language.

IllariPosselt, 2015-07-12

Murphy has already been advised, but I will name a better thing, in my opinion - Oxford Living Grammar and Oxford Practice Grammar. They provide more information

Man-Soul, 2015-07-12

Polyglot (software for Android OS).
First I tried the free version - I really liked it. Then I bought the basic course, then the advanced one.

Stroy71, 2015-07-11

Bonk N.A. "English textbook". Probably the best of the textbooks.

Mintormo, 2015-07-11

1. For general development .
2. Kachalova, Izrailevich. Practical Grammar of English... . This is a handbook.
Throw out words memorization services and other cards: this is a waste of time. To get started, read more: this way you will develop a vocabulary. Learn grammar as needed.

xmoonlight, 2015-07-11

Tell Me More (soft)

Roman, 2015-07-12

I recommend engvid, and here is the grammar section for you

Misha, 2015-07-12

I recommend MyGrammarLab books. www.mygrammarlab.com

LooksWorking, 2015-07-16

The Only Grammar Book You'll Ever Need

Yana Ledeneva, 2015-07-16

Murphy is sooooo good and very strong. Plus, check out a couple more books, websites, and apps here - learn-english.zeef.com. I collected all the most useful things in one place.

Dmitry Filandor, 2015-07-16

not exactly grammar, but: Learning foreign languages ​​is efficient and fast. Practical instruction + links

Pavel, 2015-07-17

I study grammar according to the book by Ovadenko O.N. - Myself an English teacher. Satisfied (:
The book presents the material from simple to complex. Everything is structured, consistent, with a good explanation and examples.

Frost Cuper, 2016-08-03

I recommend speakASAP

Alexander, 2018-09-04

I like the exercises https://poliglot16.ru in order to hone the grammar, Petrov's method, as for me the best in order to master the basic rules of the English language.

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